about us

We partner with other professional services to better your business

Brand Marketing & Licensing  /  Social Media  /  Web building & Marketing  /  Venture Capital & Private Equity

Banking & Lending Institutions  /  Logistics & Supply Chain  Companies  /  Software providers  / Insurance pros

RSG biz consulting

INDUSTRIESApparel & Consumer Products  /  Manufacturing (domestic  & foreign)

and  B2B  Industrial  Machinery  & Equipment

Bob Greenfield ~ CPA:   Managing Partner:   Graduated from Long Island University with a BS in Accounting and Finance.  

Began career in public accounting before moving into the corporate world.

Has 25+ years in the Fashion Industry and has held executive positions working with numerous Fashion Designers. Also held executive roles in other manufacturing companies and as a member on the Board of Directors.

Has been instrumental in helping troubled companies by identifying issues and executing solution across all disciplines of the company.

He has reorganized and successfully transformed potential insolvency to profitable operations.

In working with Start-up companies he has helped build the internal structure and position them for growth and value.

His network of  partnership relations allows him to Administrate and Execute successful results.